Friday, August 5, 2011


Well folks, we heard from the embassy, FINALLY! :) We're both so relieved. They scheduled an interview for him on the 29th of August. That's in just a few weeks!! I've got almost everything together that I need to send him, I had to get a letter from my employer and a statement from my bank and I'll just have to send him some "evidence of our relationship" stuff and we're good! I can't imagine that they would deny him... that would just be mean. Which means... he will be here soon! We have set a date for October 22, we even have an appointment at the temple. Yay!

Monday, August 1, 2011

My life

I feel like writing something, but honestly I'm not really sure what to say. I had a good day at work today, I actually got all of my Tuesday goals done, which I haven't been able to do on a Monday for a long time. Not since I broke 800 with my clients. I have almost 850 clients. That's a lot of voice mails/emails and phone calls to deal with. Not to mention mail! I would like to count sometime how many letters I mail in a week. If I only had a quarter for every time I tried to call one of my client's and ended up having to send a no phones letter because every one (out of the five) numbers that they have given us is not in service. It makes you really grateful for what you have. Before I got this job it never really occurred to me how hard it can be for some people even to keep a phone on. I like my job. I like that I get to help people. And some of the people I deal with really do need help.

One of my favorites is a client who called in and wanted us to withdraw from her claim. She didn't think we had been working on her claim. Not only had we worked on her claim, but we had been working on it for several months. I tried to kindly explain to her that we would be keeping fees on her case, and she would probably have to end up paying us anyway for the work that we have done. "But you have't done any work!" "Yes, we have ma'am, we've done blah blah.. etc" "Well I don't want to you to be working on my case when you're not even doing anything" "But as I explained earlier we are doing this and this.." "I don't want you working on my case" "Well, then I will need that in writing, but keep in mind we will keep fees." "F you F you F you F you!!!!!" *click* "Oh my.."

A week later I get a voice mail. "I would like to apologize and I would like you to keep working on my case. I would like to withdraw my withdraw."

I looked on her application to see what condition she was applying for... bipolar.

Oh, the fun things I deal with everyday. But alas, it is excellent experience in customer service. I've calmed down so many raging clients. The ironic part though is that the raging ones usually are the ones who have nothing to rage about. The one's that have claims that actually get messed up are 9 times out of 10 really nice about it. There's humility for you.

Anyway, its late, and I probably shouldn't be talking about my client's anyway. Something about confidentiality and yada yada yada... :P Goodnight :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


My birthday is in two days. Do I feel like a birthday girl? Probably less than I ever have in my life. I'm kind of ok with that though, its not like I'm really excited about this birthday anyway... the big 26. Yay...

Well I'm off to a depressing start, but honestly I don't feel well right now. I'm just so tired, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I never could have imagined when I said goodbye to Kostya on August 10th that almost a year later I would be sitting here... still alone. I miss him and being apart, only being able to talk through Skype, has taken a tole on our relationship. I take out my stress on him and its not fair. In spite of that, he has always been sweet to me. I wish I had his patience.

I love him. I want to be with him. I mean, I'm actually considering living in Russia if this thing with the visa doesn't work out :P After all, when you have an eternal perspective what does it really matter where you live? I know that some people will judge me for marrying Kostya. Especially if I did ever move to Russia. But I don't care, they don't know Kostya.

I wish I could be more excited about this whole thing, go looking for a ring, dress, apartment and plan my wedding. But everything is so unpredictable! I don't even know when he's coming. Everything will be better once he has his interview and we know when he's coming. But then there's always the question... what if they deny him at the interview? I don't even want to think about that.

In the meantime, I've put on some comfy pjs and I'm watching my "feel good" movie, "The Mirror Has Two Faces". Maybe someday I'll be curled up next to Kostya watching this movie. If he ever does come, as soon as I see him I'm going to run and put my arms around him and never let go again.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm typing this post on my iPhone, which is turning out to be only slightly irritating. I'm sitting in a biology classroom at Provo high school, which I swear must double as an ice box. I'm freezing!! What's with todays educational system? How are kids supposed to learn in this kind of environment, I know I can't even concentrate... There's cold air blowing on my back in the middle of winter! I'm going to get sick... I just remembered when Kostya had me put my hand on the back of his neck almost the whole way to Volgograd, all because of the wind... Didn't want to "get sick" he said. My hazyaika said he was just being хитрый. I would probably have to agree, it was blazing hot in that little car.

I miss Kostya, it's been almost five months now since I left Russia. We still talk everyday. I swear I could dedicate an entire blog to all the sweet things he says to me. He's the best, I really don't know what I'd do without him, ok yes I do, I would become one of those weird cat ladies and be completely selfinvolved. Kostya brings the best out in me, and the worst sometimes. Thats mostly my fault though, when I get pissy. I'm angry as can be, and there he is.... Calm and telling me how much he loves me, and I think to myself, "what a jerk...". Its like I just want him to get angry too so I don't feel so bad about being upset, but he doesn't. (yes I realize that's dysfunctional, I'm working on it.) Anyway, I love him.