I feel like writing something, but honestly I'm not really sure what to say. I had a good day at work today, I actually got all of my Tuesday goals done, which I haven't been able to do on a Monday for a long time. Not since I broke 800 with my clients. I have almost 850 clients. That's a lot of voice mails/emails and phone calls to deal with. Not to mention mail! I would like to count sometime how many letters I mail in a week. If I only had a quarter for every time I tried to call one of my client's and ended up having to send a no phones letter because every one (out of the five) numbers that they have given us is not in service. It makes you really grateful for what you have. Before I got this job it never really occurred to me how hard it can be for some people even to keep a phone on. I like my job. I like that I get to help people. And some of the people I deal with really do need help.
One of my favorites is a client who called in and wanted us to withdraw from her claim. She didn't think we had been working on her claim. Not only had we worked on her claim, but we had been working on it for several months. I tried to kindly explain to her that we would be keeping fees on her case, and she would probably have to end up paying us anyway for the work that we have done. "But you have't done any work!" "Yes, we have ma'am, we've done blah blah.. etc" "Well I don't want to you to be working on my case when you're not even doing anything" "But as I explained earlier we are doing this and this.." "I don't want you working on my case" "Well, then I will need that in writing, but keep in mind we will keep fees." "F you F you F you F you!!!!!" *click* "Oh my.."
A week later I get a voice mail. "I would like to apologize and I would like you to keep working on my case. I would like to withdraw my withdraw."
I looked on her application to see what condition she was applying for... bipolar.
Oh, the fun things I deal with everyday. But alas, it is excellent experience in customer service. I've calmed down so many raging clients. The ironic part though is that the raging ones usually are the ones who have nothing to rage about. The one's that have claims that actually get messed up are 9 times out of 10 really nice about it. There's humility for you.
Anyway, its late, and I probably shouldn't be talking about my client's anyway. Something about confidentiality and yada yada yada... :P Goodnight :)
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