Once upon a time I painted this...

and this:

and I drew this:

I haven't done anything like that in a LONG time.
I saw Knowing tonight with my brother. I really didn't think that I would like it. But it was actually a pretty good movie, with a lot of religious symbolism, surprisingly enough.
On another note, I wish there were more people in this life that truly got me. I met one the other day. It was oddly comforting. No matter what front I put up, in the end that's all I really want. I act like I'm cold-hearted and stuck up, but all I want is for someone to just look at me and say, "I know that's not you... just put your guard down already..." I don't know why I try to act like I don't care (when I actually do), or that I'm "too cool"; it's so juvenille. Well, I suppose I know why. But sometimes knowing why doesn't make it any easier to fix. :(
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