I don't know if you've noticed... but it's been a while since I've said anything. So what have I been doing you might ask? A lot. The documentary project that took up so much of my time last semester has been put on hold indefinitely, yeah kind of disappointing. But I'm still going to do it I swear. I just need to team up with some people that are a little more motivated. I still stand by the idea...
I almost got straight A's last semester :) That was a pretty big deal for me. I only got one B! New Testament... I guess that shows you where my priorities are. Heh, yeah. I'm still getting over the fact that I'll never take another class from Dr. Choate. I want to learn! More! His were perhaps the most brilliantly organized classes I have ever taken, is it weird that I love him so much?
Can I just say that I'm sick of old people questioning my personal life? It's funny because they always seem to find a way to make it my fault that I'm single. The other day my boss asked me if I lived at home, I said yes, so he said... "how are you ever going to get married if you don't meet boys?" Ok nosy boss, the problem is not whether or not I will meet a guy, it's whether or not I'll meet a guy who's not a total душ. Or my favorite is, "but you're so cute! how is it that you're not married?" What am I supposed to say to that? I guess this is what happens when you're 24, live in Provo, and still aren't married.
I'm venting too much.
So I'm taking my capstone class for history, yay... 25 pages of "Strange and weird history from early-modern Europe." Want to know my topic? Are you sure? Ok, 17th and 18th century cases of infanticide. Yeah, three months of research on infanticide... I hope I don't go crazy.
Speaking of which, we're studying WWII in my Japanese history class now. Man, I thought the European stuff was hard to take... why am I studying history again? I think I've had to desensitize myself to a certain degree in order to deal with all of these horrifying stories. War is awful, let's just leave it at that.
Anyway my parents are seriously contemplating coming to get me in Moscow when I'm done with study abroad! How fun would that be? I hope they really do. I want them to see Russia so bad.
Enough distractions for tonight, I'm getting back to my homework. The occupation of Japan post-WWII...