Since I don't know what to say, I'll just start with today. I worked at the temple. It was amazing as usual. I got to do three veils in Russian today. The Russian sisters are always surprised to find that your not just reading the transliteration, you actually know Russian. Speaking of Russian makes me want to do this all in Russian, but then no one would understand right? А может это все-таки хорошо? Who knows.
I went to homecoming spectacular last night. Here is where I get on my soap box. I have an etiquette professor now that tells us, "in life you only get 5 standing ovations and 10 exclamation points." I agree, therefore I have always been very picky about my standing ovations. If you weren't amazing, I'm not getting up. It's that simple. I really don't care if the rest of the audience stands. I got a little peeved last night. We had really good seats and were close to the front. So this lady in front of me apparently REALLY liked the show, because she decided to give a standing ovation. When no one else deemed it worthy she turned and signaled for everyone to get up. I promptly turned to my date and make him aware of my intention to stay seated. Meanwhile, everyone else in the entire auditorium proceeded to stand. All because of one kooky lady. Really? Have you no self respect? You followers... Anyway, I didn't get up.
In other news I'm going to Moscow next summer for study abroad. Then I'm graduating in August! Finally! :P It's nice to have something to look forward to. I'm starting to get tired now... I think I'll try and go to sleep now.
I thoroughly enjoy this soviet poster.
The End